Industry News

Introducing the PrintWant New Anti Static DTF PET Film

Views : 833
Author : Alex
Update time : 2024-05-31 14:57:55

In the rapidly evolving world of digital printing, the demand for high-quality, efficient, and reliable materials continues to grow. Among these materials, anti static DTF (Direct to Film) pet film stands out as a crucial component for achieving crisp, vibrant prints on various fabric. Recently, we have developed a new formula for our anti-static DTF film, aiming to solve some of the challenges faced by the industry while maintaining the key functionalities that our customers have come to expect.

What is Anti-Static DTF Film?

Anti-static DTF film is a customized film designed to ensure smooth and clear printing on textiles. Its key features include an anti-static coating that prevents extra powder from adhering to the film surface, ensuring cleaner prints, and an ink absorbent layer that allows for even ink distribution and rich colors.

Key Features of the New Formula

1. Release Function: The new formula retains the same excellent release function as our previous HDM07 DTF pet film. This ensures that the film peels off easily from the fabric, leaving behind a vibrant and detailed print.
2. Ink Absorbing Function: The ink absorbent layer has also been maintained, allowing for optimal ink distribution and vibrant color reproduction.
3. Powder Sticking Resolution: A significant improvement in the new formula is the resolution of the powder sticking issue. This was a common challenge with previous films, but the new anti-static coating effectively repels extra dtf powder, keeping the film surface clean and ready for printing.

The Testing Process

While we are confident in the improvements made to our new anti-static DTF film, we understand that it is essential to thoroughly test any new formula to ensure its stability and performance. We are currently in the process of conducting rigorous tests to ensure that the dtf film meets our high standards for quality and reliability.

During this testing phase, we are closely monitoring the dtf pet film's performance in various printing conditions, including different types of inks, fabric, and dtf printer machines. We are also evaluating the dtf film's long-term stability and durability to ensure that it can withstand repeated use without degradation.

Looking Forward

We are excited about the potential of our new anti-static DTF film and believe that it will be a valuable addition to our product line. Once the testing phase is complete and we have confirmed its stability and performance, we plan to make the film available to our customers.

We remain committed to providing our customers with the best possible products and services, and we believe that our new anti-static DTF film will help them achieve even higher levels of quality and efficiency in their textile printing operations.

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