30gsm/35gsm/40gsm/45gsm...light weight sublimation paper used in industrial printers
Views : 2653
Author : PrintWant
Update time : 2022-02-24 17:28:50
Light weight sublimation paper is the current development trend of sublimation paper,
it become more and more popular.
For what ? It works for high speed industral printers, like MS, EFI, Atexco and so on.
One of our printwant customers , who has 6 Atexco Model X sublimation printer , they use our 35gsm sublimation paper ,
for home textile printing , they feedback to us 35gsm sublimation paper is very good on printing and transfer ,
the transferred color meets their requirements, they like it very much.
As the paper is thin, the printing and transfer speed be quicker than high weight paper,
so the running cost is less than high weight paper , this is another popular reason.
Clients also use it for fashion garment printing,carpet printing,sign and disply and so on.
So if you use sublimation printer with 4 or 6 or 8 or more printer head, light weight sublimation paper is a good choice to you.