What to do if the printhead is blocked---PRINTWANT
Views : 11447
Update time : 2021-10-14 16:32:30
Clogged print-head have always been a problem that plaguesmany customer,
especially theDTF Printing Progress, white color easy to block
How to avoidbefore the head get clogged, what should do when you find the broken needle, you will find some answer as below.
1. How to avoid it before the head get clogged
a. Make sure you use a suitable DTF White Ink b.Do a maintain once every 3 days c.Make sure the head gap has enough
2. What should do when you find the broken needle
a. Try to do cleaning progress as normal b. Open the White DTF ink circulation system in advance before you printing c.Use a non-woven cloth soaked with cleaning fluid to wipe the print head
3. When the print-head all clogged
a. Remove the head from the printer,soak the nozzle with the cleaning liquid
(pay attention to the liquid level),waiting at least 2 hours b.The last way ,try to suck the ink from printing head slowly,adding some moisturizer in side
It is important to use a suitable ink when you doing DTF printing business
Designed to meet the demands of high-volume production, these powder shakers are engineered to seamlessly integrate with Epson's newest DTF (Direct-to-Film) printer.
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